Buttons & Lines
Computer & Internet
Computer Games
Emoticons & Smilies
Fire, Lightning
Food & Drink
Games & Toys
Household Items
Maps & Geography
Movies & TV Series
Swords & Weapons
Yin Yangs
Animation Subcategories
Subcategory Listing
Frequently Asked Questions
Dollz FAQ
Other Sections
Contact Webmaster
April 21st 08:
June 15th 07:
November 11th 06:
June 25th 06:
May 25th 06:
February 20th 06:
February 19th 06:
- Link to the Sunsets section now working.
February 15th 06:
February 14th 06:
February 5th 06:
December 12th 05:
November 26th 05:
September 24th 05:
September 4th 05:
Thank you to everyone who has signed my guestbook, it makes my day. :)
July 29th 05:
July 29th 05:
- 27 New animations added to the Fish section.
July 2nd 05:
June 30th 05:
June 22nd 05:
June 12th 05:
- House subsection Appliances is up, with 15 new animations.
- House subsection Buildings is up, with 16 new animations.
- House subsection Objects is up, with 11 new animations.
- The Household Items section is now complete.
June 7th 05:
- House subsection Clocks is up, with 10 new animations.
- House subsection Furniture is up, with 14 new animations.
- House subsection Office is up, with 23 new animations.
- Transport subsection Miscellaneous is up, with 8 new animations.
- Transport subsection Public Transport is up, with 1 new animation.
- Transport subsection Sports Vehicles is up, with 5 new animations.
- The Transport section is now complete.
June 5th 05:
May 7th 05:
May 4th 05:
- 2 New & 2 revised dollz added to the Star Trek section.
February 17th 05:
- Smilies subsection Bouncing Smilies is up, with 7 new animations.
- Smilies subsection Emoticons is up, with 27 new animations.
- The Smilies section is now complete.
February 7th 05:
- Smilies subsection 3D Smilies is up, with 5 new animations.
January 21st 05:
January 16th 05:
- The Movies & TV Series section is now complete.
- Movies & TV Series subsection Star Wars is up, with 65 new animations.
- Movies & TV Series subsection Star Trek is up, with 61 new animations.
- Nature subsection Weather is up, with 1 new animation.
- The Nature section is now complete.
January 15th 05:
- Household Items subsection Music is up, with 39 new animations.
- Transport subsection Cars & Trucks is up, with 13 new animations.
- Transport subsection Military is up, with 5 new animations.
- Space subsection Spacecraft is up, with 17 new animations.
- The Space section is now complete.
January 14th 05:
January 12th 05:
- Food & Drink subsection Fruit & Vegetables is up, with 31 new animations.
- Food & Drink subsection Junk Food is up, with 5 new animations.
January 11th 05:
- Food & Drink subsection Drinks is up, with 16 new animations.
- Food & Drink subsection Food is up, with 6 new animations.
January 5th 05:
- Food & Drink subsection Cakes is up, with 5 new animations.
- Food & Drink subsection Cheese is up, with 5 new animations.
- Food & Drink subsection Dessert is up, with 10 new animations.
December 23rd 04:
- Space subsection Planets is up, with 5 new animations.
- Space subsection Stars is up, with 23 new animations.
December 16th 04:
- House subsection Keys is up, 14 new animations added.
- House subsection Books is up, 3 new animations added.
December 14th 04:
- 18 New animations added to the Miscellaneous section.
- House subsection Art is up, with 20 new animations.
- House subsection Clothes is up, with 35 new animations.
December 10th 04:
December 9th 04:
- The Icons section is now complete.
- Icons subsection Weapons is up.
- Icons subsection Weather is up.
- 10 New icons added to the Animals section.
December 8th 04:
- Icons subsection Sci Fi is up.
- Icons subsection Shapes is up.
- Icons subsection Signs is up.
- Icons subsection Sports is up.
- Icons subsection Symbols is up.
- Icons subsection Time is up.
- Icons subsection Tools is up.
- Icons subsection Transport is up.
- Icons subsection Universe is up.
December 3rd 04:
December 2nd 04:
November 29th 04:
November 25th 04:
November 11th - 13th 04:
- Icons subsection Animals is up.
- Icons subsection Arrows is up.
- Icons subsection Art is up.
- Icons subsection Books is up.
- Icons subsection Bugs is up.
- Icons subsection Buildings is up, 33 new icons added.
- Icons subsection Buttons is up.
- Icons subsection Calendar is up.
- Icons subsection Camera is up.
- Icons subsection Cartoons is up.
- Icons subsection Cartoons 2 is up.
- Icons subsection Cartoons 3 is up, 27 new icons added.
- Icons subsection Cartoons 4 is up, 6 new icons added.
- Icons subsection Charts is up.
- Icons subsection Clothes is up.
- Icons subsection Colours is up.
November 4th 04:
September 28th 04:
September 21st 04:
- Space subsection Moons is up, 10 new animations added.
- Space subsection Suns is up, 9 new animations added.
September 17th 04:
- Computer Games subsection Three Kingdoms is up, 10 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Worms is up, 18 new animations added.
- Movies & TV Series subsection A Bugs Life is up, 4 new animations added.
- Movies & TV Series subsection Babylon 5 is up, 2 new animations added.
- Movies & TV Series subsection Batman is up, 2 new animations added.
- Movies & TV Series subsection Spiderman is up, 2 new animations added.
- 2 new animations added to the Movies & TV Series Miscellaneous section.
September 16th 04:
- Computer Games subsection Age of Wonders is up, 8 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Diablo is up, 2 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Mario is up, 14 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Miscellanous is up, 7 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Mortal Kombat is up, 8 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Pokemon is up, 5 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Settlers 3 is up, 10 new animations added.
- Computer Games subsection Sonic is up, 13 new animations added.
August 31st 04:
- Animals section is now complete, with a total of 228 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Pigs is up, 1 new animation added.
- Animals subsection Polar Bears is up, no new animations added.
- Animals subsection Rabbits is up, 6 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Rhinos is up, 6 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Rodents is up, no new animations added.
- Animals subsection Sheep is up, 5 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Snails is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Snakes is up, 2 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Spiders is up, 4 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Squirrels is up, 1 new animation added.
- Animals subsection Turtles is up, 4 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Wolves is up, 3 new animations added.
August 28th 04:
- Animals subsection Giraffes is up, 1 new animation added.
- Animals subsection Monkeys is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Moose is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Pandas is up, no new animations added.
- Animals subsection Pegasus is up, 1 new animation added.
- Animals subsection Penguins is up, 13 new animations added.
- 3 new animations added to the Birds section.
- 1 new animation added to the Butterflies section.
August 25th 04:
August 23rd 04:
- Animals subsection Horses & Unicorns is up, 11 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Kangaroos is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Lizards is up, 1 new animation added.
- Animals subsection Mice is up, 16 new animations added.
August 20th 04:
- Animals subsection Bugs & Insects is up, 12 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Cats is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Cows & Bulls is up, 2 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Dinosaurs is up, 5 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Dogs is up, 9 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Dragons is up, 9 new animations added.
- 1 new animation added to the Alligators section.
April 21st 04:
- Space subsection Earth is up, 25 new animations added.
April 20th 04:
- Animals subsection Butterflies is up, 2 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Crabs is up, 2 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Deer is up, 6 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Dolphins & Whales is up, 3 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Elephants is up, 5 new animations added.
- Animals subsection Frogs is up, 6 new animations added.
April 17th 04:
- Flags subsection European Flags is up, 23 new animations added, Flags section now complete.
April 15th 04:
April 6th 04:
April 4th 04:
- The Cartoons section is up, 8 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Baseball is up, 4 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Darts is up, 4 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Football is up, 2 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Golf is up, 2 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Miscellaneous Sports is up, 12 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Skateboarding is up, 13 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Tennis is up, 3 new animations added.
April 2nd 04:
- Sports subsection Basketball is up, 9 new animations added.
- Sports subsection American Football is up, 2 new animations added.
- Sports subsection Bowling is up, 3 new animations added.
April 1st 04:
- The Seasonal section is up, 83 new animations added.
March 30th 04:
- The Plants section is up, 43 new animations added.
March 29th 04:
- The Movies & TV Series section is up, 15 new animations added.
- The People section is complete now with the addition of the Warriors subsection; 27 new animations added.
March 28th 04:
- The Science section is up, 19 new animations added.
March 27th 04:
March 26th 04:
March 25th 04:
March 23rd 04:
March 22nd 04:
- An Animals subsection is up, Zebras, 2 new animations added.
- The Money section is up, 4 new animations added.
- The Tools section is up, 23 new animations added.
March 21st 04:
- The Computers & Internet section is up, 9 new animations added.
- The Water section is up, 11 new animations added.
- The Webmaster section is up, 16 new animations added.
- 5 New animations added to the Logos section.
March 20th 04:
March 19th 04:
March 17th 04:
- The Symbols section is up, 49 new animations added.
- The Spirals section is up, 7 new animations added.
March 16th 04:
- The Hearts section is up, 20 new animations added.
March 15th 04:
- The Jewels section is up, 10 new animations added.
- The Maps & Geography section is up, 4 new animations added.
- The Pentagrams section is up, 3 new animations added.
March 14th 04:
- The Logos section is up, 22 new animations added.
March 13th 04:
March 12th 04:
March 9th 04: