May I use the animations on your site?
As far as I know, the animations I've archived here are freeware or linkware, which means they are free for use on non-commercial websites, providing you link back to the site of the original artist. (I've tried to include links to all the sites where I've found animations, but if you find an uncredited animation and know the site/name of the artist please e-mail and let me know, and I'll credit the artist or remove the animation as per their wishes.)
How do I download the animations?
The site is navigated by using the menu along the left hand side of the screen, these links will take you to each section of the site. Because of the large number of animations on the site, each section has subsections to navigate as well. (For example, 'Animals' has further subsections such as Birds, Dragons etc.) Selecting any of these links will load thumbnails on the right hand side of the screen. To view the animation associated with any thumbnail, simply click the thumbnail and the animation will load in the centre of the screen.
When I try and save an animation, it will only save as a bitmap and not a gif, why?
If you're using IE (Internet Explorer), this will sometimes happen when the temporary internet files cache is full. Try emptying this out. (Tools --> Internet Options --> Delete Files) If this doesn't work, try using an alternate web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, which can be found here:
It is free to download, and you can still keep IE as your default web browser if you wish.
How do you make the animations?
I didn't make any of the animations on the site, though I do know some of them were made using POV-Ray, which can be found here:
How do you make the dollz?
There is a separate FAQ for the dollz section, which can be found here.
Can I link to your site?
A link back isn't required to use the animations, though feel free if you like. :) Please use this address:
Why is the site sometimes down when I try to visit?
Sometimes the demands made on the bandwidth exceed the daily amount of bandwidth Tripod allots, so the site gets shut down for a few hours. This will occur less often if people don't try to link directly to the animations. For more information on bandwidth, check here.
What are the fonts you've used on your site?
The font used in the title artwork at the top of each page is called Calif. I've used a font called Balthazar for the subcategory titles, such as 'Frequently Asked Questions' on this page. Links to sites that have many fonts such as these on the links page. If you would like a specific font I've used, e-mail me and I'll send it to you. :)
Navigation --> Animation Subcategories:
If you can't find a category listed on the left for the type of animation you're looking for, check out the subcategory listing page, as each section has further subcategories that might include the one you're looking for. (For example music, which can be found in household items - yes, my filing system is odd, I know. :)
Your specific query not answered here? Then feel free to drop me a mail with your question.

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